ISSN: 3062-0902
Volume : 1 Year : 2024
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All articles in Valonia: A Journal of Anatolian Pasts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License.

Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Articles will be uploaded to the system via JournalAgent Online Manuscript Management System.


  • Articles must present original research that has not appeared previously in any other format (journal, book, online, etc.) or language and that is not simultaneously under consideration for publication elsewhere in any format or language.
  • Articles must be written in English (EN) or Turkish (TR) and contain no more than 10,000 words (inclusive of notes/citations and bibliography/works cited). Articles exceeding the limit may be returned to the author(s) without review.
  • Authors may choose to use either the ““Notes and Bibliography” (footnote) or “Author-Date” (in-text) referencing style of the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition and must adhere as closely as possible to US English spelling and usage.
  • Footnotes should be used for citing essential sources (if using the “Notes and Bibliography” style) and/or for brief explanatory notes that cannot otherwise be incorporated into the text. Please avoid footnotes that provide long lists of bibliographic references or that are of excessive length; authors will be asked to shorten these.
  • Article manuscripts must be accompanied by abstracts of no more than 200 words as well as five keywords.
  • Articles should be prepared as a Microsoft Word (.docx) file named with a short version of the article title (e.g., “short_title_text.docx”). To ensure the text is anonymized for double-blind peer review, do not include author names or affiliations in manuscript files or file names.

Figures and Tables

  • Authors are responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions for rights to reproduce and publish all illustrations.
  • Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively but separately throughout the article (e.g., Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Table 1, Table 2).
  • Captions should be provided in a separate Microsoft Word (.docx) file named corresponding to the article text file (e.g., “short_title_captions.docx”) Captions should include any required credits exactly as specified by letters of permission.
  • Each figure should be prepared as a separate file in 300 dpi TIFF format. File names should correspond to the caption file with specific figure numbering (e.g., “short_title _fig.01”, “short_title_fig.02”).
  • Authors should choose figures meaningfully in accordance with the aims of the article and should avoid submitting more than 15 figures in total.
  • To ensure the text is anonymized for double-blind peer review, do not include author names or affiliations in figure, table, or caption files or file names.

For further details, specific examples, and all other style questions or instructions, see the Valonia style guide.